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What will students study in GCSE PE this year?

Exam Board: Eduqas

If chosen, students have an additional two hours of GCSE PE on their timetable. These lessons will cover the entire specification.  Through studying GCSE Physical Education learners will acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities and understand the benefits to health, fitness and well-being. Learners will develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance. This is broken down into two sections as outlined below:

Introduction to physical education

  1. Health, training and exercise
  2. Exercise physiology
  3. Movement analysis
  4. Psychology of sport and physical activity
  5. Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport

The active participant in physical education

  1. Practical (three activities)
  2. Coursework

What are the major assessments this year?

Component 1: Introduction to physical education

  • Written examination: 2 hours 60% of qualification (120 marks)
  • Learners will be assessed through a range of short and extended answers.
  • The questions will be based on stimuli/sources.

Component 2: The active participant in physical education

  • Non-exam assessment 40% of qualification (80 marks)
  • Learners will be assessed in three different activities in the role of player/performer in at least one individual and one team sport (30%) from the List of Activities here
  • Learners will also be assessed through an analysis and evaluation of their performance in one of their chosen activities (10%).

What will the current performance grade be based on, and what do the levels mean?

Students will be assessed at the end of each theory unit in an exam style paper/question. They will have a full mock in Year 10 and Year 11 for the theory work covering what has been taught in lessons.

Student will have a practical mock moderation where we grade their three practical areas. This is usually done in May in Year 10 and January of Year 11.=

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in the subject?

In the first instance, she should speak to her subject teacher. She should try to identify specific areas of the subject which she finds challenging so that targeted support can be offered. If a student would like to join a club externally, the department will be able to assist in a pathway to a local sports club.

How can I support my daughter?

Generally keeping fit and healthy with your daughter will always help performance in all aspects of school life. Encouraging a healthy active lifestyle has probably encouraged your daughter to choose this course.

Specifically for the GCSE PE course, for some activities, we can not assess the students in school premises. We therefore ask parents or coaches to film on our behalf. When recording practical performances or off-site activities prior to practical moderation of GCSE students, to ensure that there is appropriate evidence for assessment:

  • All candidates should be introduced at the start of each performance providing their name, candidate number and, if appropriate, how they will be identified during the performance e.g. blue GK in a team game
  • The evidence should be produced in an easy to access format such as DVD so that the moderator can easily view the recording
  • The recorder should be familiar with the assessment criteria to ensure that all aspects of the assessment requirements are recorded. This may require using wide angled shots as well as close ups depending on the activity being filmed
  • After assessment check the recordings and back them up
  • Save the recording clearly identifying both on the cover and on the DVD the centre number and qualification

What kind of independent work should my daughter complete?

Students should aim to take part in at least two sports clubs a week on top of the two hours of PE offered during curriculum time.  These can be extra-curricular clubs offered at school, or clubs outside of school (these will need to be filmed at an appropriate time by parents/coaches).  Students may wish to compete in one of the school teams and therefore are expected to regularly attend the school club. 

Who can I contact for further advice and information?

Please feel free to contact the Head of PE, Miss Roots, on droots@newsteadwood.co.uk

What will students study in Core PE this year?

Students have two hours of PE a week, one is a core activity and the other is through an elective of choice.  They will build on and embed the physical development and skills learned throughout the past 3 years at Newstead Wood School.

In core PE they will develop skills and strategy in 6 weeks blocks of the following activities:

  • Netball
  • Badminton
  • Cheerleading
  • Health
  • OAA
  • Athletics
  • Rounders

Students will develop their competence and confidence in a wide variety of different sports and physical activities. They will continue to learn what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work.

The elective options are:

  • Sports Leaders (paid option)
  • Table Tennis
  • Football
  • Netball
  • Fitness

Sports Leaders

At the end of each unit of work students will be assessed on their physical skills and application of skills in that activity and, if appropriate, the ability to coach/officiate/lead the activity.  The work for Sports Leaders Award will be continually assessed through practical performance in leadership situations (in and out of lessons) and their folder of written evidence.  There will be a final practical assessment in the Summer term where they lead primary school students through a multi-skills session or a sporting competition.

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