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Personal Development & PSHE

Our Personal Development Curriculum

The personal and social development of students is a fundamental pillar of our curriculum here at Newstead Wood School. Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education promotes students' personal, social and emotional development, as well as their health and wellbeing. Personal development permeates all that we do at Newstead through events such as Public Speaking, charity fundraising, Duke of Edinburgh and First Give (to name but a few) to the more formal aspects of the PSHE curriculum which are covered are during form time each week.  

The PSHE curriculum aims to: 

  • Help students to deal with difficult moral and social questions that arise in their lives and in society. 
  • Help students to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives, as individuals, parents, workers and members of society. 
  • Give students the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in society at local, national and international levels. 
  • Provide education in citizenship and democracy, which will provide coherence in the way in which all students are helped to develop a full understanding of their roles and responsibilities as citizens. 
  • Equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of changing opportunities in learning and work. Through their learning and experiences inside and outside school, students begin to understand the nature of the world of work, the diversity and function of business, and its contribution to national prosperity. They develop as questioning and informed consumers and learn to manage their money and finances effectively. 
  • Give students an understanding of the positive and negative elements of risk and how to manage it effectively in a variety of situations. 

Personal Development occurs in the curriculum through: 

  • Subject schemes of work 
  • Planned tutorial programmes 
  • Visiting speakers 
  • The school's arrangements for pastoral care and student guidance 
  • Assemblies 
  • School Councils 
  • Planned learning opportunities in contexts outside school e.g. residential visits, work experience 
  • Extra-curricular activities 
  • Encouraging all students to play a helpful part in the life of the school. neighbourhood, community and the wider world. 

Votes for Schools 

Our tutorial programmes include the use of Votes for School, which encourages students to engage with current affairs and to share their opinions each week, culminating in a school wide vote. 

Each week the students’ votes on a given topic are collected and the results are compared with those of other schools, both locally and nationally. 

The topics covered by votes for schools are relevant to the students’ experience, to current affairs and in line with the PSHE curriculum. 

PSHE Ambassadors 

All forms in Years 7 – 11 are supported in their tutorial sessions by their form tutors and two Year 12 PSHE Ambassadors.  

PSHE Ambassadors are sixth form leaders who have received specific training in the delivery and support of PSHE.  They work with form groups in Years 7 – 11 on a weekly basis. 

Peer learning is highly values and we actively encourage students to work alongside their peers from different year groups.  

As part of our Personal Development Curriculum, PSHE and RSE aim to produce young adults who are: 

  • Knowledgeable about themselves 
  • Self-confident and responsible both in and beyond the classroom 
  • Able to maintain successful interpersonal relationships 
  • Responsible for their actions and aware of the effects of those actions on others 
  • Sensitive to the beliefs, values and ways of life of others 
  • Able to reflect on issues and take part in discussions. 
  • Informed about local, national, and global issues. 
  • Critical thinkers, unafraid to challenge existing assumptions. 
  • Concerned to promote justice and equality in relationships and society. 
  • Able to work independently and collaboratively. 
  • Able to reflect on their learning and plan for their own future development. 
  • Able to apply their knowledge and skills to real life needs in the local community. 
  • Informed, thoughtful and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights. 

Visiting Speakers 

Specialist visiting speakers provide students with expert knowledge for specific aspects of the PSHE curriculum.  These include; 

  • Relationship and Sex Education 
  • Drugs awareness education 
  • Mental wellbeing 

Relationships and Sex Education 

Students in Years 9 – 13 will receive specialist instruction from external speakers which covers the updated RSE requirements and is at an age-appropriate level.   

Drugs awareness education 

Students in Years 10 – 13 will receive specialist instruction from HowzThat Education, which is at an age appropriate level. 

Mental wellbeing 

All students will receive a bespoke two-hour mental wellbeing session delivered by Bromley Lewisham and Greenwich Mind.  This is in addition to wellbeing sessions delivered through the tutorial programme and assemblies. 

How can I support my child? 

Taking an interest in what she/he is doing and showing that you value what she/he is learning makes a tremendous difference. Please talk to them about the subject that they are covering in school and encourage them to ask you questions. 

What kind of independent work should my child be completing? 

It is good practice to remain up to date with current affairs and to take an active interest in the news and world around them. 

Being proactive with keeping fit and healthy and looking after ourselves is important and will help to develop good habits for the future. 

All students are encouraged to be active members of our clubs and societies. Whether this be sports, culture, arts, debate, current affairs, there is something for everyone at Newstead Wood School.  

Whom can I contact for further advice and information? 

Please email Mr M Bournat, Assistant Headteacher, mbournat@newsteadwood.co.uk

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