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What will students be studying in French this year?

As not all students have studied French at primary school, we start at the very beginning with introductions and family but also covering a range of other topics, such as house, pets, places in town, leisure activities, weather and future plans and some common daily expressions. In Year 8 and 9, we build on knowledge from Year 7, looking at free-time, holidays, healthy lifestyle, school life, family & friends, customs and festivals, the French-speaking world and social/global issues. From the beginning we teach the grammatical structures of the language and the relationship between sounds and spelling. This enables students to become real French speakers, giving them the tools to manipulate the language for themselves. Lessons use a mix of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Video clips, songs, games and computer-based activities help to bring the language to life and impart an understanding of French culture. We offer extension activities for more advanced learners and a separate programme of study for bilingual students.

Expectations of students in French

The Year 7 French course is one hour a week with one homework per week. This increases to 2 hours a week in Year 8 and 9.  Homework may be grammar or vocabulary learning, a writing or comprehension exercise or research. It is important that students are regularly learning vocabulary and practising grammar as part of their homework routine. Students’ written work is marked using the MFL department’s marking codes. The codes identify the type of error rather than simply writing in the correction so that students learn how to redraft their own work. They will usually be given the opportunity to do this and to ask any questions in lesson time. It is expected that students will bring a small French dictionary to lessons.

What are the major assessments this year?

There are formal end of unit assessments, as well as mid-unit assessments that take place across the academic year. These will take place roughly at the end of each half term and will address different skills as well as grammar. Each teacher will set ongoing grammar or vocabulary tests and will regularly assess and give feedback on written work. The end of year exam will include all topics and grammar covered and test all four skills.

What should my daughter do if she feels she is struggling in the subject?

The first step is for your daughter to ask for advice from her French teacher so that they can identify the problem and how to address it. There are many resources available to support students’ learning and guidance on some useful websites, such as Quizlet or Duolingo.

How can I support my daughter in Year 7?

The best way to support your daughter is by taking an interest in her language learning. It is not necessary for you to know any French yourself, although obviously it's great if you do. Otherwise asking her to explain what she has been doing in class, testing her on the vocabulary she has learnt, and looking through her book with her will help her consolidate her learning. Do encourage and praise her for her efforts. Please support your daughter’s efforts to use her own language in her written and oral work rather than relying on Google Translate. Electronic translation tools give strange translations and lead to errors which use of a good dictionary (on-line or paper) can avoid.

What kind of independent work should my daughter be completing?

It is good practice to spend a few minutes looking through the lesson notes as soon as possible after the class, and then again a few days later, rather than forgetting all about it till the next lesson! This is particularly true when it comes to learning new vocabulary. It does not need to take a long time but will help to keep the language fresh in the mind. As mentioned above, students are given a list of appropriate websites for French, including some for fun as well as specific aspects of learning.

Who can I contact for further advice and information?

Please feel free to contact your daughter’s teacher in the first instance but Miss Hau as Head of MFL is available on shau@newsteadwood.co.uk

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